Tuesday, May 13, 2008

épico: An extended narrative poem in elevated or dignified language, celebrating the feats of a legendary or traditional hero.

When I called the quest for the rasta crown epic, little did I know how true this was to become. My tubular cast on was beautifully executed, and the brim actually had to be stretched to fit, but alas, my problems seem to lie elsewhere; Iuri's dreads are so long and heavy they pull the hat back instead of letting it stand straight on the head. I am still problem-solving in my head about this issue. I think that any hat of this design, no matter how I tweak it, will flop around on his head. Something more substantial may be in order here. As I hypothesized, word is getting out that I'm knitting rasta crowns. I am becoming a legend in my own time--which means I get more chances to perfect this project. The good news is that not everyone has long, heavy dreads so this pattern may be well-suited to them. It's back to the drawing board for Iuri, I'm afraid.

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