A felted wool tortilla with Jesus on it (or is that Ventura??)! I am so inspired right now. I think I'm going to move on to felting after perfecting my pantyhose people. I have this strong desire to make life-sized dolls out of pantyhose. I'm making one for a friend as a prototype, and if all goes well I'm making one for myself soon after. Whatever you do, do not enter "pantyhose people" into your search engine to find out how to make this craft. You could end up as traumatized as I was! I'm going to need my pantyhose Grandmother (that's what I'm making for myself) to help me work through these confused feelings brought on by a seemingly innocent Google search. Maybe we'll make coconut creme pie together to finish out the evening. I'll be sure to post photos of this bonding moment when it happens to share with you all!