I'm wearing my "authentic replica JLo engagement ring" today. I usually save it for special occasions, such as canoing on Lake Griffy (I love pondering the romantic idea of watching it slip beneath the rippling waves) but since it's roda day I decided to wear it anyway. Plus it gives me the chance to pretend I'm either 1.)A Hollywood movie star newly-engaged to Ben Affleck (BORING...but hot) or 2.)I'm actually the Green Lantern. Green Lantern's super ring is purported to bestow a myriad of powers, including the ability to comprehend every language in the universe. I'm hoping this will kick in soon so that some of my co-workers' requests will make more sense. If that doesn't work I can aways use the power of "Spirit Travel" and separate my energy-self from my body and travel billions of times faster than light. I'm pretty sure I could still answer e-mails even if my energy-self is somewhere else.